Sexual Assault Prevention and Response

Promoting respect, preserving dignity

109th Airlift Wing Sexual Assault Prevention and Response: Sexual Assault Response Coordinators (SARCs) and Victim Advocates are available to assist victims (survivors) of sexual assault. The 109th Airlift Wing SARC serves as the single point of contact for integrating and coordinating sexual assault victim (survivor) care for members of the 109th AW. The SARC office is also responsible for providing Sexual Assault Prevention training throughout the Wing.

What constitutes a sexual assault or rape?

Sexual Assault: intentional sexual contact, characterized by use of force, physical threat or abuse of authority or when the victim does not, or cannot, consent. Sexual assault includes rape, nonconsensual sodomy (oral or anal sex), indecent assault (unwanted, inappropriate sexual contact or fondling), or attempts to commit these acts.

Sexual assault can occur without regard to gender or spousal relationship or age of victim.
Failure by the victim to offer physical resistance does mean consent. Consent is not considered to be given if a person uses force, threat of force, coercion or when the victim is asleep, incapacitated, or unconscious.

Sexual assault is any sexual contact/act with a person without their consent.

Your rights as a victim:

As a Federal crime victim, you have the following rights:

  • The right to be treated with fairness and with respect for your dignity and privacy;
  • The right to be reasonably protected from the accused offender;
  • The right to be notified of court proceedings;
  • The right to be present at all public court proceedings related to the offense, unless the court determines that your testimony would be materially affected if you as the victim heard other testimony at trial;
  • The right to confer with the attorney for the government in the case;
  • The right to available restitution;
  • The right to information about the conviction, sentencing, imprisonment, and release of the offender.





Reporting Options for Sexual Assault

Restricted Report

  • Can only be disclosed to a SARC/VA, Healthcare Provider
  • Kept 100 percent confidential
  • Documented for future services in secure system
  • Privileged Medical & Physiological services available through Veterans Affairs
  • No expedient transfers possible
  • No investigation/prosecution
Unrestricted Report

  • Disclosure to anyone not on the SAPR Team
  • Information shared with law enforcement/command/clinic
  • Documented in secure system
  • Medical /Physiological referrals and treatment
  • Expedient transfers and victim protection available
  • Immediate investigation with possible prosecution
Expedited Transfer of Military Service Members Who File Unrestricted Reports of Sexual Assault: Any threat to life or safety of a Service Member shall be immediately reported to command and law enforcement authorities. A request to transfer the victim under these circumstances will be handled IAW established Service regulations. It is recognized that circumstances may exist that warrant the transfer of a Service member who makes and files an Unrestricted Report for sexual assault by signing a DD form 2910, "Victim Reporting Preference Statement" have the option to request a temporary or permanent transfer from their assigned command, or to a different location within their unit of assignment or Inactive Duty Training location. A Military Service Member who files a Restricted Report and requests an expedited transfer must affirmatively change their reporting option to Unrestricted Reporting on DD form 2910. All requests for transfer must be worked through the installation SARC initially and then to command.

SAPR Resources


Jamie-Lyn Ricci

Located in Bldg. 25
SARC Phone - (518) 935-8606

SARC 24 hour Phone - (518) 925-6108

The Safe-Help Line: (877) 995-5247
Text, Chat, Call - 24 hour assistance